I am a born and bred South Londoner and have had a life long interest in the effect the War had on the area. In particular, I am intrigued by stories I heard about the V1's and V2' from my family who lived in Dulwich and Beckenham. I decided to find out for myself exactly what the impact was both in terms of destruction of buildings and also the tragic fatalities. The South London I know and love today has very much been moulded by these events and I wanted to find out exactly what happened in each street. I spent countless hours pouring over Bomb damage maps, Fire Brigade and ARP reports in the London Metropolitan Archive and Local studies libaries- this web site is the result. If you have any queries relating to my research or anything to do with the V1 and V2 attacks please contact me .by e mail I am also an author and have two published novels "The Lost boy, the Doodlebug and the mysterious nunber 80" and "The Amazing tale of Anna Himmel and the Gold Sovereign" ; and also have the pleasure of writing for the respected communuty Blog : "Dulwich on view" Stephen Henden Dulwich November 2019 |